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Triangulum Galaxy (M33)


This is my third go at imaging the ever-so-beautiful Triangulum Galaxy (M33) our second largest extra-galactic neighbor.

The Triangulum Galaxy (Messier 33) is a prominent spiral galaxy located in the constellation Triangulum. To locate it in the night sky, first identify the “Great Square” of Pegasus, a prominent asterism. From the northeastern star of the square, Alpheratz, trace a line eastward to the constellation Andromeda. Triangulum is situated just south of Andromeda. Within Triangulum, M33 is positioned near the midpoint between the stars Beta Trianguli and Alpha Trianguli. Under dark skies, the galaxy can be glimpsed with the naked eye as a faint, diffuse patch.

This project combines roughly 26 hours of total integration time.

Star Map


Askar FMA230 Telescope with .7x Focal Reducer/Field Flattener

DeepSky Dad Focuser

iOptron 73 Pro Fount

ZWO ASI1183 MM Pro Camera

Chroma Ha, Red, Green, and Blue Filters

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