Emission Nebula
The Wizard Nebula
(NGC 7380)

The Wizard Nebula (NGC 7380) has always been one of my favorite Fall targets. I’ve only imaged this target twice, but it’s a fun one due to its wizardly shape. The object’s classification is an open cluster of young stars cast across the backdrop of an emission nebula. Its location is on the edge of the constellation Cepheus in the direction of Cassiopeia.
This project had to take a bit of a hiatus due to a week of clouds, but there were six nights of imaging with a total final integration time of 27 hours of data used across all three narrowband filters of Hydrogen-alpha, Sulfur 2, and Oxygen 3.

Star Map
Explore Scientific 127 FCD100 APO telescope
Explore Scientific .7x Focal Reducer/Field Flattener
MoonLite Focuser
SkyWatcher EQ6-R Pro Mount
ZWO ASI294 MM Pro Camera
Chroma Red, Green, and Blue Filters
Optolong L-Pro Filter