Emission Nebula
The Swan Nebula (M17)

The target is called the Swan Nebula (M17) in the constellation Sagittarius. It’s the second time that I’ve imaged this target so far.
The Swan Nebula, also known as Messier 17 (M17) or the Omega Nebula, is a prominent emission nebula situated in the constellation Sagittarius, approximately 5,500 light-years from Earth. Spanning about 15 light-years across, it is one of the galaxy’s most active star-forming regions, with its distinctive shape resembling a swan in flight. The nebula’s luminescence is primarily due to ionized hydrogen gas energized by the intense ultraviolet radiation from young, massive stars within its core. This stellar nursery offers astronomers valuable insights into the processes of star formation and the dynamics of interstellar matter.
To locate the Swan Nebula in the night sky, first identify the constellation Sagittarius, often recognized by the “Teapot” asterism. M17 is positioned just north of the spout of the Teapot, near the star Gamma Sagittarii. Under clear, dark skies, the nebula can be observed with binoculars or small telescopes, appearing as a faint, nebulous patch.
This project was captured using my ES127 and is a good 30 hrs of integration time.

Star Map
Explore Scientific 127 FCD100 APO telescope
Explore Scientific .7x Focal Reducer/Field Flattener
MoonLite Focuser
SkyWatcher EQ6-R Pro Mount
ZWO ASI294 MM Pro Camera
Chroma Ha, Oiii, and Sii Filters