AR 3780

I have been more than obsessed with the Sun lately, but it’s hard not to be when you have such wondrous activity to observe on its surface right now. This past Sunday, I had a good amount of time to do some imaging of AR3780,, and the data was a very large active region that is now on the eastern side of the solar limb. This big set of sunspots was roughly midway past the surface, and the data was collected between 2pm and 5pm. I was able to make a mosaic from 6 different panels as well as build out a small animation of roughly an hour’s worth of data. The animation’s frame rate is about 10 frames per second, so roughly 10 mins of time-lapse per second and then looped a handful of times.
For scale, the rough math equates to AR3780 being about ~13 Earths in diameter.

Explore Scientific 127 FCD100 APO telescope
MoonLite Focuser
SkyWatcher EQ6-R Pro Mount
ZWO ASI174 MM Camera
Daystar Quark Chromosphere Filter with 4.2x Barlow